About Us


On the turn of the new millennium, six dedicated men brought forth a new Asian Interest Fraternity. In the Spring of March 16, 2000, Kappa Pi Beta was formed on the campus of Northern Illinois University. The Founders; Renmar Salceda, Phillip Gozun, Christopher Flores, Alfred Gozun, Sean Orquiola, and Soulysak Trichanh decided that a new breed of gentlemen was to be formed. Incorporating all of our Asian traditions, we instill respect and discipline. Our venture in this fraternity is to bring about Midwest Values differing from that of the West and East coasts. Asian Americans are one of the largest minority groups in the Midwest yet we have the smallest voice in representation. As brothers of Kappa Pi Beta, we felt it was time that our voice be heard.

Mission Statement:

As a brother of Kappa Pi Beta, I will strive hard to furhter the existence of this great fraternity. I will do my best to bring forth a bond of unity to all of my fellow brothers that will stand the test of time. Along with the close relationships that are built, I pledge to promote academic excellence, brotherhood, cultural awareness, social mobility, philanthropy, gentlemen values, and respect towards the individual and community. Regardless of the letters i wear, what organizations I am in, or national origin, I will set the example that unity is the ultimate beginning of brotherhood. I will use these attributes as Developement of my character and retain them even beyond my years of higher learning.


Through the practices of respect and etiquette, a GENTLEMAN of Kappa Pi Beta will adopt an agenda that proactively seeks to defy the stereotypes of the typical fraternity and create the ideals of unity within the community. By these premises a stronger voice in representation among Asian Americans will generate.


The Kappa Pi Beta Fraternity is an Asian American-founded service and social fraternity dedicated to the needs of the community alongside a commitment of higher learning, the promotion of the traditional Asian values of respect and discipline, and the overall essence of unity among all people of different background.

Fraternal Facts

Founding Date: March 16th, 2000
Motto: “Unity is the beginning of brotherhood”
Virtues: Respect and Discipline
6 Pillars: Philanthropy, Leadership, Academic Excellence, Cultural Awareness, Etiquette, Brotherhood
Colors: Red, Black, and Charcoal Gray
Mascot: Phoenix
National Philanthropy: Type II Diabetes